Saturday 20 May 2017

Film school miniatures 2002-2004

 I have always been drawn to little miniature environments. I have early memories of building castles in pottery class instead of the expected cups and bowls.
Whilst at City Varsity in Cape Town, I made these rudimentary models as tests for application in miniature effects. It would be a few years later that I got to do real miniatures for commercials and eventually films.

This little tower was made at 35th scale.

 You may notice my thinly veiled attempts at a stylistic similarity to elements in The Lord of The Rings films.
This was the very beginning of a near decade long campaign to get my work noticed by Weta Workshop who were working on these films at the time.

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ZA News: 2009 -2010

I was extremely fortunate to work on some sculptures for the Political satire puppet series: Puppet Nation Here are some of my projects ...